Opening speech (excerpt) Angela Schwank INSIDE-OUT/OUTSIDE-IN, 2022, as part of ©FOTOWIEN, Station Wien, Vienna.

(...) Between taking walks outdoors and staying indoors, where people use to live and work, Brigitte Konyen's pictures reflect the subjective experience of the past lockdowns. The two-part photo collages combine exterior and interior views, the multi-part image compositions tell diary-like stories. The sense of time is often indicated in photographs showing the play of light and shadow that sunlight brings into the interior.

One senses a meditative gaze that lingers on contemplating these light games. 

However outside and inside are in no atmospheric contrast. The rift that separates these spaces in the collages also connects them. It is not a cut, but a transition, visible as a joint, that combines two photographic moments into one picture in which the exterior and interior form a counterpart that has not broken open.

Latent, however, as the rift also shows, is the moment of falling apart, when outside and inside become moments of a torn reality (...)

Angela Schwank, 2022